Late in the Day on a Winter Highway | 72 x 36 inches | acrylic on paper framed in pine trim & dowels | Available for Purchase
Late in the Day on a Winter Highway | 72 x 36 inches | acrylic on paper framed in pine trim & dowels | Available for Purchase
Phototrophs in Sanguine Sun | acrylic and paper on panel with LED lights | 48 x 72 inches | 2023 | Available for Purchase
Phototrophs in Sanguine Sun | acrylic and paper on panel with LED lights | 48 x 72 inches | 2023 | Available for Purchase
Elemental Altar | 65 x 24 inches | acrylic, oil and oil pastel on canvas and pine | 2023 | sold
Elemental Altar | 65 x 24 inches | acrylic, oil and oil pastel on canvas and pine | 2023 | sold
Draw Back the Curtains | acrylic on arches paper | 60 x 50 inches | 2021 | sold
Draw Back the Curtains | acrylic on arches paper | 60 x 50 inches | 2021 | sold
Homage to the Parallelogram | acrylic on canvas in custom pine frame | 24 x 60 inches | 2023 | Available for Purchase
Homage to the Parallelogram | acrylic on canvas in custom pine frame | 24 x 60 inches | 2023 | Available for Purchase
Rise | 48 x 48 in | acrylic on panel | 2020| sold
Rise | 48 x 48 in | acrylic on panel | 2020| sold
Windows | 24 x 48 in | acrylic on panel | sold
Windows | 24 x 48 in | acrylic on panel | sold
Wind and Solar | acrylic and latex on repurposed coffee bean burlap in custom frame | 12 x 24 inches | 2022 | Available for Purchase
Wind and Solar | acrylic and latex on repurposed coffee bean burlap in custom frame | 12 x 24 inches | 2022 | Available for Purchase
Onwards & Upwards for the Early Birds and the Coffee Drinkers | acrylic on coffee bean burlap | 26 x 20 inches | 2021 | sold
Onwards & Upwards for the Early Birds and the Coffee Drinkers | acrylic on coffee bean burlap | 26 x 20 inches | 2021 | sold
Jute Skies | acrylic and latex on repurposed coffee bean burlap in custom frame | 24 x 24 inches | 2022 | Available for purchase
Jute Skies | acrylic and latex on repurposed coffee bean burlap in custom frame | 24 x 24 inches | 2022 | Available for purchase
Cloud Column | acrylic on panel | 48 x 24 inches | 2021 | sold
Cloud Column | acrylic on panel | 48 x 24 inches | 2021 | sold
Incendiary | 24 x 48 in | acrylic on panel | sold
Incendiary | 24 x 48 in | acrylic on panel | sold
Tokyo | 48 x 72 in | acrylic on panel | sold
Tokyo | 48 x 72 in | acrylic on panel | sold
Cathedral Effect | 48 x 36 in | acrylic on panel | sold
Cathedral Effect | 48 x 36 in | acrylic on panel | sold
Skinny Kitchen | 48 x 48 in | acrylic on panel | sold
Skinny Kitchen | 48 x 48 in | acrylic on panel | sold
Ode to a Butterfly | 48 x 48 in | acrylic on panel | sold
Ode to a Butterfly | 48 x 48 in | acrylic on panel | sold
Home From the Curb | 48 x 48 in | acrylic on panel | sold
Home From the Curb | 48 x 48 in | acrylic on panel | sold
Window Payne | 48 x 48 in | acrylic on panel | sold
Window Payne | 48 x 48 in | acrylic on panel | sold
Tilt Shift | 60 x 50 x 6 in | acrylic on panel | sold
Tilt Shift | 60 x 50 x 6 in | acrylic on panel | sold
Parsing Lights | 48 x 72 | acrylic on panel | sold
Parsing Lights | 48 x 72 | acrylic on panel | sold